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The day September 12, 2024

Between: Full Name: Lois Beck Email: [email protected]

City, Country: 389 Green Fabien BoulevardTempora suscipit vol, Qui sit fuga AnimiCW

Hereinafter referred to as REMIXER


Full Name: Dorothy Good E-mail: [email protected] Phone:

Address, City, Postal Code, Country: 61 First AvenueEt quis commodo temp, Non accusantium deleEsse placeat est eSG

Birth Date: 10/12/2022

Hereinafter referred to as LABEL

Format: Digital // Term: 3 years (Automatic Prolongation in case of no cancellation) // Territory: Worldwide // Publishing: Copyright Control // Accounting: Monthly // Royalties: 50% Of net profits earned by the label from Downloads & Streaming // Tracklist: Velit est impedit q
As following, REMIXER shall hereby grant to Rogan Warren an exclusive right (license) to exploit, use, sell and promote the musical composition including Tracks figuring on point 1 of this Contract (Master recordings) relating materials and information specified in the agreement including master rights 100% and publishing rights 100%
An REMIXER is responsible for the information specified in the contract. In case of submission of claims by third parties relating to the violation of moral rights, REMIXER agrees to settle such claims on his own and at his own expense. REMIXER is the sole author of the tracks and shall be fully responsible for violating the rights of a third party that may be the use of musical pieces, samples, and acapellas.
On original tracks 50% (Fifty percent), on remixes 25% (Twenty-Five percent) of net profits earned and received by the LABEL from download and streaming only on Rogan Warren digital formats shall be paid to the REMIXER as royalties. Payment of any royalties shall be accounted for and paid when the amount of royalties exceeds the sum of $50 (Fifty) US Dollars. Payments can be processed at any month of the year, REMIXER have the right to claim and ask for a royalty statement at any moment. Payments are processed via PayPal for REMIXER living outside the Argentinean territory, Argentine artists shall be paid in ARS cash or bank. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement, through their duly authorized representatives, It is signed for and on behalf:


Dorothy Good



Lois Beck

Rogan Warren
61 First AvenueEt quis commodo temp, Non accusantium deleEsse placeat est eSG